Birth & Postnatal Massage
3 days - FEDANT accredited Post-Graduate workshop
Through this full 3-day training you will learn:
* movements and positions for childbirth
* gentle relaxation and guided meditation exercises for pregnancy
and childbirth
* acupressure and massage techniques for childbirth
* positioning, contraindications and techniques to help restore
and maintain the mother’s well
* techniques to extinguish trigger points reducing referred pain in
the abdomen and back
* structural rebalancing of the Erector Spinae and Lumbodorsal
Fascia and Iliopsoas through gentle restorative breathing and
relaxation, and where necessary
hands-on release work
* restoration of the abdomen (skin, connective tissue,
musculature, abdominal organs)
* how to normalise Diastus Recti (separation of the abdominal
* how to perform post-operative and scar tissue release work on
caesarean sections
* working with a postnatal woman on a holistic level including
tools for relaxation, calmness and
* how to identify and signpost for support for pregnancy and birth-
related traum
* how to advise on postnatal care and support.
This workshop is run by Onie Tibbett and Krista Black
21 hours / CPD points
Contact us on
Entry Requirements: Swedish Massage or Level 3 Massage plus Anatomy & Physiology Qualifications
Desirable (but not essential): KnotStressed Pregnancy Massage Training Qualification
Dates in Edinburgh:
- 18th-20th Sept 2023
Cost: £340 (including a comprehensive set of photographic course handouts)